The login screen
Your username will always be your registered email address and your password will be the password created upon registration and once you have entered your password it gets encrypted immediately.
Your profile
The profile section of your SigniFlow account is accessed from the left-hand side menu bar and is essentially an overview of your account.
The dashboard
Your dashboard is the first thing you will be greeted with upon logging in to your SigniFlow account. This palette of interactive buttons is basically a customised user interface, which organises and presents everything you would want to do.
Creating workflows
A workflow, in this context, is simply a sequence of processes through which a document passes, from initiation to completion.
Built to make your documents clearer and quicker, SigniFlow DocPrepper allows you to customise the documents you send out with signature and other information fields. You can place the fields as you wish, resize and also save your field layout as a t
EasiSign is SigniFlow's easy-to-use, yet highly sophisticated and secure, signing interface. EasiSign eliminates complexity entirely. It is fast and very easy to use, on any device.